b'Middle Rising Campaign1.Rebuilding the Middle Church Sanctuary at the historic site with a development partnerREBUILD Phase IIBuild community theatre and production studio Launch revenue generating business partnerships January 2025December 2028 within the redeveloped and expanded footprint (for In Phase II of Middle Rising we will: example: education adjacent, healthcare, supportive housing, etc.) Develop Middle Church sanctuary with partner 2.Continue and grow the funding for Middle Church andFund programming for 3 years Freedom Rising programming for 3 yearsRECLAIM &Establish endowment to provideREPAIR sustainable funding sourcesExpand spirituality and arts programming Increase program and ministry capacities through staff development and growth Deepen impact of children and family programming Increase the digital and physical capacity of the Freedom Center for Racial Healing and Reparations3.Provide sustainability for Middle Church ministries and Freedom Rising programsREGENERATEEstablish an endowment as a regenerative revenuesource that will annually replace lost funding from Collegiate Church20 MIDDLE RISING'