b'Where Do We Belong?On December 5, 2020, the physicalNo fire can destroy our Fierce Love. site of Middle Church was decimated by a six- Were rising to heal the world.alarm fire that originated in the neighboring- Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewisbuilding. As we mourned and prayed for the next step, we were faced with the question Where do we belong? This is a question familiar to so many today as they experience disconnection and isolation from their faith. Many feel lost in the wilderness of political turmoil, social unrest and oppressive inequality heightened through the evangelical embrace of Donald Trump and the killing of George Floyd.Where do we belong today? Our journey to answer that question has allowed us to boldly proclaim that we belong in the places of brokenness, hopelessness and fear. We are rooted in our local community and inspired by the digital landscape where thousands are desperately seeking an answer.Middle is rising from the rubble to repair: Here.2 MIDDLE RISING Photo credit: Steven Molina Contreras'