b'What Is Our Next Strategic Move? Middle Rising: The Campaign to Rebuild, Reclaim, Repair, and Regenerate with Fierce LoveWhile we mourn the loss of our physical building and the turmoil in our world, we come together as Middle Rising to Rebuild a revolutionary space where we will continue to Reclaim and reframe faith so that we can Repair a hurting world through Fierce Love. And this work must continue. This is why we will Regenerate the funds necessary to sustain this work.Rebuild RepairThe reimagining and resurrection of our physical spaceReaching beyond Middle Church to strengthen and on the original 1892 historic site that will accommodateestablish partnerships that will increase our impact our vision for a bold new thing that can supportin the secular space and repair a hurting world transformational ministry for centuries to come.through Fierce Love.Reclaim Regenerate Urgently reframing what it means to be a church throughCreating a Middle Church endowment that will established Middle Church and Freedom Rising programsreplace funds formerly received from Collegiate that will advance our mission to embody a Welcoming,endowment to sustain the prophetic work of Middle Artistic, Inclusive, and Bold Movement of Just Love. Period. Church into the future.16 MIDDLE RISING'